they should weigh 15 minutes in tons

(1) You were a three-headed bombardier with forked tongues and yellow eyes, so I took up a sword and I sliced you right at the voicebox and I must admit it felt good, your blood running thick down my arm, I must admit it made me feel queasy but in such a good way. I'm tingling right now just thinking about it, shivers up my spine with every keystroke. (2) I heard whispers of a fairy-tale land where you could go and everything was ice-cream and everything was television and beautiful. You don't think there's beauty on TV? You gotta dig for it, I guess, you gotta know it's there. They put me next to a spinning rainbow wheel and told me to throw it all down. I think I was excited. It felt okay. My phone buzzed all day. (3) i wanted be au ty and se re ni ty and something to live for but this screen's all broken you can't even watch it anymore