A Stranger: Part 4

Flash back to now from my eyes flow red tears, Emotions rush fast from all the lost years. The blind girl still standing there only but now, Her eyes glowing bright and staring me down. I melt in her gaze as she calmly states flat, "You've been here too long child, now Hell wants you back!" There's no more confusion just clear words of reason, Once again now aware that inside I'm a demon. The eyes of the blind girl now brilliant black, Mouth opens wide and her nails pierce my back. As she draws me in nearer I feel a great fear, Her tongue splits as a snakes and tickles my ear. While she whispers: "So now you know why I've been sent, You've lived too long your time is spent. Now come with me you've got no choice, I've got you fixed you've heard my voice. There's no escaping this your fate, We've just now passed through Hell's last gate. Witness here you're soul shall burn, Forever more you're limbs be torn. And from your flesh drained all your juice, Then 'round your neck a barbed chain noose. You'll dangle there for years and years, Your wounds will burn from all your tears. Now come with us to Satan's room, It's there you'll finally meet your doom." All went dark as this was said, And no sound found but in my head. 'What has just happened now, can I be free and if so how?' The darkness though it never goes away, and here I am still to this very day. There's nothing here but I and black, No sight no sound no going back. Just now I see a hint of light, Up in the distance burning bright. A blue red green speck comes up close, Growing quick on its approach. The darkness dies to burning flame, It's clear I'm back in Hell again.