We All Need Someone....

When there is the happiness of the day And the feeling of being alive, that really pay We all need someone for that moment to share Because the happiness by soul, this feeling is really rare We all need someone to hold hand and walk together We all need someone to love and be loved forever We all need someone in the darkest days and joyful time We all need someone in life as a partner in crime When there is broken heart and the loneliness in you There will be few that will really cares about you And stands by your side for the support, they are few Still we all need someone who will cry with you too We all need someone to laugh in those stupid jokes We all need someone to play the naughtiest hoax We all need someone for all those painful days We all need someone for all those new morning sun rays When you want to chase your dream But scared of the unknown result of your theme We all need someone to push you to the wildest cause And walk with you till the end with victory’s applause We all need someone…