The Immense Hurricane

It was a beautiful beach day, The waves are getting bigger, and the oceans fury, was seen with a prospective view of insightful roughness, I am a pretty tough guy, and dude that is no lie, I heard on the radio, a immense hurricane was approaching with an immense force of total fury, and total destruction, I stayed in shock, and disbelief, I can not believe this day was only getting to get worse by the second, and minute, What is this approaching storm coming? This storm stands immense in the sky above, I am truly a tropical cyclone, A low pressure system, combines, and truly forms in the topics, I create dangerous thunderstorms, brighter than any spotlight, The weird winds are counterclockwise circulation, I am truly a wise guy, The waves are approaching, with an immense storm surge, My strength grows, more, and more, You truly fear me, I am coming, The Immense Hurricane,