There’s weeping coming from the walls again. Uncontrollable sobbing, an all too familiar sound to them. To the neighbors, who tried to help her. But were turned off. By the arrogance she could not shed. Before she got pregnant, she was filled with hope. That her and her partner would endearingly spread. And like most human beings, they heeded the call of nature. That from their loins, a child must be bred. So they took their chances. And ordered from the clinics vast supply shed. A pure untainted female thoroughbred. To be implanted within her. So she may experience the highs and lows of pregnancy. A subject to which she believed she was well read. And behold the wonders of science. Embryology began to weave its threads. And they began to settle in. To begin a Life well led. But the moment creation threw this couple a curveball. Their hopes and dreams began to crumble into regret. For biology deemed they’re made to order daughter be a male. Despite all of their intents. And with this revelation, implanted the seeds of discontent. Into women already unbalanced by sexual abuse. That they were powerless to prevent. And the unresolved issues of these women resurfaced. Soon after their trauma began to make its dents. As they started to see this unborn child as a malcontent. Just another male who forced his way in without consent. It was just like they were being raped all over again. An opinion that would no doubt abrogate their motherly duties. Unfortunately as the child grew within, the distain did not relent. And those around them became sickened. That their love came with conditions. That their newborn would not have met. And soon after support around them had fled. For no amount of loyalty could conceal the ugliness. That within this couple was now widespread. Despite their cries, that they were the ones misled. And from the sinking ship her soul mate also left her. Without A single word said. It was then she came to the realization there’d be no reset. She began to sob uncontrollably, without relent. To the point where the cops had been called yet again. But this time not for the fighting. But for the sudden silence instead. And when the police took the door. To the surprise of no one. From a ceiling beam she hanged dead. Beneath her lay a photo album. And pictures she had shred. as well as the unused pages. That would have marked the life well led. As well as a puddle of her tears. And a screaming infant. Still attached to his mothers umbilical stem. Whose first moments of life are already tainted. Forced to stare up at her dread.