4 Thousand 63

It's been a few months Maybe a few less than it feels Since you ripped us; your head and our heart To pieces The leaves have gone from green to vibrant purples, oranges And other colours you couldn't see Your funeral was nice, quiet, simple and not made a big deal We didn't bury you naturally in the forest though With a proud Oak above your head like you wanted That made me mad, you won't live on like you should have You were buried in an anonymous graveyard Which held some importance to the people that knew you least I visited your gravestone more than a few times Everyone, the whole group and I have It's a cold gravestone, more ornate that you would have wanted That simply reads your name Followed by January. 30 1996- August 17, 2012 The 2 words and 4 numbers that add up to 4063 Don't do justice, don't sum up your life quite right At least in our eyes it doesn't... I know you would have just wanted your name Or nothing at all since they killed the forest you had in mind "The tree will live on, I will rot and my body will be used To create a forest, to create life" Is what you always said But you shouldn't be surprised by all I this like I am, Like the group is No one it appears, ever listened to your muted voice Halloween came and people celebrated by wearing masks over their masks as you'd say "The ghosts and ghouls and goblins Are much better looking when people think Their being clever and finally letting them down Because it's Halloween and no ones paying attention because everyone's doing it" It wasn't the same without you Everyone came over but it was quiet and awkward None of us  covered our masks like everyone else Rather, we all took them off for another night Sitting around, talking, laughing and spraying blood on the walls I decided I'd give myself a tattoo To remind me of you and something you said a really long time ago; Keep your feet grounded and so I did An arrow pointing down on my ankle Just as a reminder I did it with a sewing needle in my room While the group watched and provided expert commentary They all wanted one but they didn't I don't care if my parents find out And I don't care if it gets infected I did it for a reason and I'll stand by it It'll kill my dreams of the military You told me but I can't say I care anymore I'm fine My dreams died when you did