Old Four Eyes

He wore wire rimmed glasses Weird looking clothes Had a fine rig for his horse Passing thru I suppose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But I learned from a friend He was out here to stay And that everyone said He would not ride away ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He had bought a large spread And had cattle to work But no one really liked him He looked like an upitty jerk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But the word really spread That old four eyes was alright And every cowboy in town Wanted a job over night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He could ride he could rope With the guys all day long And at the end of the day Drink liquor and sing songs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well they all came to like him And they worked side by side They would do anything for him And together they’d ride ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One day he stopped in For a whiskey or two When a drifter came in Just out of the blue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He said pour me a drink  Charge it to four eyes over there Well Ted never moved He didn’t care ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well the drifter he drank And to all their surprise Ordered another and again Said charge it to four eyes -----------------------------------   ---- Well Ted had enough And he knocked the man down Drug him outside  And watched him leave town ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now all the cowboys there Were astounded and surprised That this drifter was beaten By the man called four eyes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that’s not all That’s the way that it went Cause He would return To become the 26th President ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THEODORE ROOSEVELT