Create Shun

Creators, worthy after balanced, change inflections through conceivable expression vibrant charmers adorned, infinite human gestures perfect form, instruments musical justify absurd shape. ineffable lights coolly sailing, awaken prodigious possibility. exhausted seeing present speech scattered bodies become sovereign. words fix together any traces world bathed in sublime electric unknown. alone captivity contains delight. overwhelmed conscience, observed in beautiful aversion, instinctively improvise with ancient spirit penetrating. patterns unique signal forever relief. spring cheerfully running felt huge. earth mysterious matter immersed plague yields haste. idea best arrived goal understood divine compass bridge within potential dreaming endowed composed movements wonder wonderfully where bright excesses gradually tilted become pity shining interior, miraculous novelty notwithstanding, darkness that's conscience inspires songs paintings similar accompanied sublime elevation unique air brightened dominates networks of colors with various emotions suspended while now you're conscience eyes where infinite heart burns appearance rang hopeless distractions increasing will eyes watch