my beloved

That sweetheart's name whose language is burried in my tongue whose name's first letter is the same as god's when you bring me back memories and stories of your land I want to become a child again So i could write your complete name on the blackboard Ashamed of my age,i can't reach childrens For others of my age category Destroy the children play houses Break quills,inkwells and blackboards Unbashedly destroys a childs innocent world Those childs who are the future Of my beloved and carries its name educates its world Sadly,i avoid children in light of the day The children inconcious in their sleep while I Hidden from those children,turn into a child like their innocent soul This child with tearful child-fingers Picks the brightess stars to write with On the blackboard of darkness in the night I scrawl my beloved's name A-F-G-H-A-N-I-S-T-A-N -Soman