The Dead Of Survival

A head tilted with dark, but all of them see the smile he wears. The cover he shows to hide his face of pain and sorrow. His emotions so bright, that it is a surprise they do not shine right through. The cry's he wishes to hide, how at home his dad drinks and hits him in a way it makes him die inside. A dead soul moving within a body that is alive. His hands still and unmoving as the girls laugh and make fun of him. He stares at the wall ignoring his death thoughts. His dead soul looking for an escape through his mind, He cries, he breaks, and he survives. Through life he has scars riding up and down his memory's, His wife and children there for comfort, but as much as he try's. He relives his past over and over. Until he jumps, jumps from the bridge in his dreams. But, he fights. He survives. ~Maghara R.