Joy’s birthday

Joy was born in a leap year, Her birthday came once in four years. Her soulmate were miles apart Still made up her mind to start The weather was disappointing The biggest star went hiding There were thunder and lightning The clouds began pouring Appeared the spiritual power all of a sudden Seized for the chance to prove his existence. Looked at the dim sky in wrath Commanded them for a path The crying child stopped his tear Fearing for his godly mother The power not only helped the ‘Cindrella’ Also this deprived Ella The chariot fought high through the wind, Helped two innocent hearts to bind. When Ella became visible to Joy, Joy got dumbfounded. Her heart began to pound, That was the real joy she found. The world spun for a moment She was her only constant! The power was contented and convinced , For he knew how much do the little heart deserve, And what it really craves for! That was the greatest gift Joy could ever ask for ! By Ella . A