pt. 2 of a broken heart

here is the thing; i don’t think you can ever stop loving him. you can shove him down some abandoned corner of your heart until he is covered with new memories and new people but you will not ever stop loving him. you will definitely move forward and grow and change, but it doesn’t ever stop, this feeling. and when you see him months from now, all dressed up in gear and wearing a jersey that makes him look like a big deal, when he smiles in that easy way and talks to someone near you, your stomach will still trip over itself. you’d feel this sickness travel through your nerves; this “i don’t want to ever see you again” sickness. this “i still fucking love you” sickness. your hands will still want to reach out and mess up his shirt. fix that little strand of hair that you always used to - and it would irritate him. “don’t touch my hair!” he use to say. and you’d reminisce the memory and find yourself smiling. and then you’d wonder why your smiling; this wondering will tear you up because didn’t you spend months burying these memories deep inside? did those months of effort just fall apart in a matter of a few seconds? yes. yes they did. yes they will. you’ll find yourself back to square one. or maybe you won’t. oh god damn you’re lucky if you don’t. but you will stand there wondering why. why it didn’t work. why it couldn’t now. oh, god. no, you’re never going to stop loving him. your heart just doesn’t know how.