There is a winter storm going on here all the roads are closed and the stores are buttoned down ever so tight I am here alone in this great big old house that sits among thousand year old trees the wind whistles through the tiny cracks of age on the splintered window sill as frost clouds the blown glass on the foyer window I am having a wrestling match with the heavy front door as the wind pushes against it I can hardly see the road in front of the old house as it is lost in a swirling white haze of snow all the birds have taken flight within the edge of blue sky and the tiny creatures have scurried to safety within the splintered oak tree that lean toward the old house there dried out branches sway violently back and forth threatening to snap at a moment's notice then without warning the cry of a lone wolf breaks the silence howling against a moonlit sky the snow drifts slowly towards the earth like a sea of floating marshmallows I am warm and safe wrapped within the old wooden beams Listen to the whistle from a hundred year old copper tea kettle sing like birds in a springtime dream as rusted shovels await their turn to play in the deep snow ever so safe and secure I wrap myself within the warm blankets that lie upon my bed the night pass ever so slowly like a dream you cannot remember the slow and steady ticking of the grandfather clock echo within the old frame house I gather the wood of last year’s chopping to feed the fire that will keep me warm throughout the night outside I can see white smoke spiraling from the chimney like ballerinas in a soft silhouette I hurry back inside from the freezing temperatures that have my fingers tips almost purple standing over the fire I place a few more dried out pieces of wood Into the hungry flames the glow cast ghost shadows upon the ceiling and the walls Shakespeare my four legged companion lie peacefully sleeping in front of the roaring fire I take a deep breath and relax within the quiet corners of my mind then slowly drift off to sleep several weeks pass and melt into the crystalline snow as I continue to live the magic of a dream caught within a winter wonderland then unexpectedly there is a subtle hint of spring time air that makes her announcement that winter is ending the dream is over.. - Ken Riccio original poems ©