Dear Anxiety- God please

I wake up I get out of bed These songs keep playing, on repeat in my head I sit in my seat I write stories, create poems, pray to this day. I pray to be as happy as I was yesterday God please. God please lead me to happiness without anxiety God I pray to be as happy as I was yesterday When this was all over God please The music The story The quote It's all bigger then I could ever be I listen to the song, I start to relate. I read the story, I begin to debate. I find the quote about faith, I can't help but to escalate. My emotions start to take over I don't know what to think, I don't know how I feel, I feel confused. I pray for years Nothing. I pray over and over Nothing. They say don't judge Because you have no idea what it feels like to walk the storm I'm walking The storm God has asked me to walk through And I politely, but hesitantly, agreed. Anxiety: give me a break God please give me a break