Impulsive Behavior

I’m not in control Tick tick ticking Twitch twitch twitching Help Black black blacking out Try try trying to shout No not never knowing what this is about My mind is one big crowd Wind wind winding Try try trying To stay in control Diz diz dizzy Now In a hurry now Laugh laugh laughing now And I’m sleepy now Hee heee Hoo hoo Haaaa haaaa Tick Toc There goes the clock And people just think I’m stupid There’s something wrong Tick tttick…. I’m the opposite of lucid Hard to understand All of the pressure Of society’s demands Tic toc tic tic…. I should have ran NOW LOOK AT ME LOOK DO YOU SEE ME No? Oh Makes sense no one ever does Just see the intellectual that was They see the bad buzzz They see the Twi twi twitching of my head Constantly misread They wonder why I’m distant Now I’m bleeding red Now that I’m resistant Do you have a riot in your head?