Live, Or Die

We may be faced with a dreadful pandemic, I laced up my sneakers, and went for a morning walk/run too, I am a way cool dude, Sometimes I got a bad attitude, Rude, and nasty, as can be, because I been home isolation a very long time, I have to be spending my time, thinking about other’s in need, The homeless, and needy our help, We have to stay home, and constantly social distancing at all times, This will truly decrease the severity of the pandemic crisis, Coronavirus will end, soon or later, Only time will tell, We pray God that this virus will be gone, It took so much innocent souls of humanity, We must also stay smart with innovative ideals of safety too, We can not leave our guards down, even for a minute, nor a second, We must face this pandemic together, because we are facing this pandemic together as one, All of humanity will overcome the pandemic, and learn what the true meaning of life, We are in the same boat, and we must safe other human-beings from this dreadful pandemic, Never Never Give Up, We must live life with true strength which comes from our inner self’s, The remembrance of the dead will always, truly be a reminder, we must live life today, and help other’s, also love all of God’s creations with a profound respectable mannerism, and love, Love truly makes the world go around, Live, Or Die,