life to love/self

As it comes to computer language, it is commonly known that you can speak in two different ways, you can approach something in two different ways and still be doing the same thing and talking about the same thing;So such as the short hand in longhand way of doing things. So you can do the short hand of “control/crtl +plus C(the letter,),” to cope or you click the cursor pad and then find © see 2two different ways of doing and saying the same thing. ©charfire_m You are part of the Knowing Of things that can then make you a fool if you don’t shear your concept so the 1ones that “don’t know of,” can them become “knowing of;” in the means of all having a better life, as the weakest link is the strongest link.... so making life more easier for the weakest link within make those that are the strongest feeling stronger.