A poem that I just thought of.

Like I Want You. It’s a bliss. Not necessarily something I would see myself indulged in. You’re a wake up call. A desire of mine that I never new would come out the sky and fall. To my feet, I see us touch toes playfully. You’re funny. Hilarious at the thought that many reasons were me falling for you. But I’m not. Or so I say I am. I’m struck. Stuck. Conflicted at the fact that I’m such a fuck up. But I try. You can see it. You can see right through me. Your third eye is aligned with mine. But I’m just another person who’s such a hopeless romantic. Someone who can’t even fathom what love feels like. Properly, you treat my heart like glass. So fragil, yet handled with grace. You put a smile on my face. My cheeks hurt from your laughter. My eyes glow from your splendor. Am I falling? I’m no angel but the devil tempts me. My words get tangled but you’re always intertwined within. Is this a sin? For me to fall such a way? A marvel into your universe on my display? Like I want you But do you want me. That’s something I ask myself everyday. Until then I’ll just ponder Until my heart grows too fond of How I can’t keep it in anymore.