
Reflections of past tense reminiscing once banished by faded memories hanging by a thread Haunts my very existence, creating miscalculated circumstances by misjudged causes and events, Is this what it all really falls down too? Undermined pressure created by unnecessary living organisms, that inhabits your mental and breakdown more crucially than any diagnosis could ever do.. Still stand tall, make your unapologetic presence a unforgettable picture of remembrance that you should never apologize for, Sun rays and cloudy skies form clouds of doubt and confusion, alternating your day to day routine, switching it, interfering with it, consistently conflicting it, constantly reforming it. Self questioning on knowing events based on intoxicated conversations with a lonely self, Selfishly selflessly until you frantically give the pieces of yourself you pieced back together away in pieces. Just Leave it. Move on from it. Be the change you want to see, never trust what you see cause your human, and not only the eyes but mind, it too plays tricks. Most comfortable at night, that’s usually when my blurry vision becomes blurred lines, right before my vision insights, Showing me my own true self, questioning the character I grew to knew, another lie.... ....... To be continued.