I have today

I have today 1:33 AM 54% outside The love I have today is the love I send my way, through me I will let the light of life shine through me, even with the battle of the societal hi horse that some are will to to get off of if they can stay on it; the echo of the past says wake up it’s time to wake up says the future an echo of fractal+ripples the shine back from the don of times non+beingness as space is only an inch, from Solipsism (the God/ones mind). ©charfire_m Life has its ways of getting you to remember to recall who you really are from the whom you are, who=microcosm whom=macrocosm; the echo is you saying remember the love of self and you will never be far from finding Heavens Door, your “next step, on forth.” 41 51