Chirping bird

Cain and Abel 1:57 AM 9% outside Wow, you had me going; good+great+lovely/deep+ness of a soul(IAM what IAM, Phonixe of ember as life) Thank you For making the time, thank you very much for being who you are, thank you very much, until next time you enjoys your whole existence and take care for you are worth it to see that you are able to (what I see) love yourself more from a means of seeing life growing. Much love and light my friend. #comment #vcommente ©charfire_m Life ripple love gift, good movie to watch is ” Mars needs moms and the discovery;” so real means of seeing life happen like right in front of you, as life of me speaks through the best able(pain in a bowl/Cain and Abel) 2:01 AM 4% 1:48 AM 12% outside animal Bird chirping ©charfire_m 49 9