Am I doing well?

Dear God, Today, I looked around my room. It was about 3:30 AM when you woke me. We both know you were the first thing on my mind. I didn’t pray to you. I didn’t say hey to you. It was a simple thought as we both exist. Now 7:34 in the morning Pacific standard time I look around my room again. And I see what you’ve allowed me to do with my life. The space, this room, this area I have free will to do whatever I please so graciously and lawfully abiding me. In my room. In my place. In my space. I put red paint on my hands today. I wanted to feel liberated. So I put my hands on the wall. I know it’s a devastating sound to some people but is my room and I get to live knowing that my hands are on my wall. It’s more for a decorative purposes. The question I am here mainly to ask today is for God. Am I doing wrong? Is this the same room that I had in heaven? Am I making my heaven in my own room? Am I doing well for me and you? I am grateful you made me. In addition, I’m grateful four you making me to be a creator and resemblance to you just as anyone else on earth since were in your image.I love you. I will love you. Always and forever you were by my side and I will do the same in return. Amen.