“It’s Crazy”

It’s crazy It’s crazy how i was so in love with him Or what i thought love was* And he broke it, so i gave up I gave up on anything to do with love My favorite movies, my music, my reading, everything. Until I met you. By the time i met you i lost what i had though love felt like then you kissed my forehead and told me how beautiful i was, I felt this, this feeling I had lost. And the more I hangout with you, the more I realize I fell in love again. But it was too late. According to the boy next door, i was too late But I already knew that. I had messed up and waited too long. Now your with someone new, and there’s nothing i can do, Well.. almost nothing. I’ve made so many, So many edits, so many videos, so many memories with you And Then i realized i have somethings i can still do, I can hope, I can believe, and I can wish. and...I hope that one day, I get the chance with you. I believe that when you are ready, you will find a way to me. And I wish when we’re older, I can watch you walk down the aisle at our wedding and...It’s crazy cause before you, I was lost, broken And now after you, I’m loved, free, and happy. And It’s crazy because I found the person that stole my heart and hasn’t shattered it. And it’s you.