Pink And Purple Skies

Morning newer future color in the paradise. The fall rare sun rise brighting my spirit. Two beautiful color from top and bottom together. Good morning world with visible stars shiny in the heavens. Wish to see many fairies flying across the air. Pink and purple color I hope to paint someday. In the morning sun rising up before color changes to normal. Florist and glittering around my soul. Just like a blooming flower around spring time. No storm to clover the friendly skies. Just silent and peaceful around me. Picture myself painting the picture of nature. With two color makes sense to me. Same for an funny sheep in the sky flying pass with an numbers. In the morning time to wake up on Sunday. Staring at the window and see the future colors. With blessing and show vision of life. Adore the brighting and darker skies in the air. Thinking about cotton candy to eating for snacks. No symbols and threats to put a frown on my expression. Thank you father for this beautiful morning. Sense a present near by. With a happy spirit of angel flying the others home. In the paradise with both newer colors touches all lives forever. Pink and purple color surprise me that morning.