Everyone believes that they would’ve done it differently. Their generations would’ve never bought, sold and used slaves of any kind. Because surely as advanced as we are, we now comprehend the true worth of mankind. Nor would they commit acts of genocide. It would be the furthest thing from their minds. Imprisoning and Executing innocents on mass. according to someone’s creed, race or where in the world they reside. They wouldn’t unleash atomic weapons. Upon unsuspecting cities filled with life. Then try to justify such strife. Or travel to uncharted continents under a peaceful guise. Of wanting to trade, silk and spice. Only to usurp the lands of native tribes. So they could Pillage, rape, then baptize. A continent Filled with prisoners. Force fed doctrine and lies. Younger generations believe these delusions to be true. Thinking themselves to be more wise. Because it’s easy to be more socially conscious. than those who have long since died. The arrogance of youth. A trait which never seems to surprise. Smart enough to know they wouldn’t have committed these atrocities. But not smart enough to know that it’s conceit that infects their minds. That their personal knowledge so heavily relies. On whether or not they have a screen in front of their eyes. They really have no idea what it was like to live during those times. all they can do is sit back Nonchalantly. As they judge people from the past for their crimes. Wagging fingers of disapproval. while sometimes hundreds of years separate the era in which they malign. All while Letting their generations own misdeeds so easily evade their Eyes. The truth is that any righteous beliefs they had, would’ve been so easily undermined. Because in the past, just like today, the mob dictate the line. That human beings have to walk because they want to stay alive. Their personal selfishness won’t allow them to stick their neck out for the next guy. If it’s between doing, what’s right and certain death, then someone else is just going to have to die. It’s an inherent flaw in the human mind. Proof positive that no matter how evolved. We still think like pack animals inside. Desperate for an alpha to tell them who, what, where, when and why. Forever reliant, and to needy to ever decry. Those who set the rules in opposition. And too weak to ever stand alone and defy. THE PRESENT DIVIDE