He’s so young and blithe. Yet each smile he bares brings tears to my eye. It feels like a promise that can’t be kept. Knowing he’s an innocent. And I’ll have to expose him to the darkness. That so corrupts the mind. In order to help him survive. The hard times to come. That so many youths collapse beneath. Because their elders didn’t prepare them. for the hardship of the grind. That comes with having to navigate this life. And its rather hard to do. If those before you didn’t reinforce your spine. Teaching you to slip the punch’s. And avoid the mines. As well as pulling yourself up from defeat. When the enemy is on the rise. Losing ground because they were told lies. Believing inner strength was a spiritual gift. granted to the worthy by design. A pure benevolent conjure. by the holy divine. But reprieve will never be attained. No matter what you sacrifice unto their shrines. And to expect it to change, is the notion of swine. Just another sad sign. of these sullen times. Where responsibility is on a rapid decline. And any independent thought is ferociously maligned. And those unprepared are just handed a phone. Pushed into a world most unkind. Told they know enough to survive. the very worst of mankind. But those who’ve seen it. Know the garbage heap that they’ll have to climb. And I won’t be the one to allow a life gone awry. Particularly one whose well being is lain before my eyes. For how can I truly call myself a man if I send my kinfolk out into a broken world. deaf, dumb and blind. A LAMB NOT LEAD