the wait (of my words)

the rain rarely seems to stop these days, and when it does, it lays in wait on the horizon. just overhead, not seen or heard but always felt—of this i'm sure, even if i'm sure of little else. were that my words were ever so direct as is the storm, i'd know their worth was more than any tongue could bare. as an umbrella bends, torn beneath the wind, gossamer and bruised, like petals thin; a flower's gown, skirts worn, tattered drapes beaten by the breeze. such delicate robes are these that shroud my shoulders, dusted by dew, drops that never leave. i know, now, more than i have ever known before, and what is more: i know how little i still know. i owe nothing, i owe everything, i am owed; above all, i am owned, caught by the call of the weather, a torrential forever. forget not the past nor the present, for what informs the future if not those? beneath the shower i compose a certain truth: though the rain always returns, so does the sun, and while both have earned their place, neither have won—this is no race, no competition, but a dance. so wait your turn; for as the cycle always spins it will always come around in its own time, no matter how you yearn, you cannot rush; this is a play of patience, not of luck.