When they go woke, their gonna go broke. Because their constantly catering to a sect of people. who don’t even consume The ideas, media, or products their trying to tote. All their doing is trying to avoid the maelstrom. That comes when corporations just try to conduct business. And choose not to dote. Over what the world believes is the politically correct way to promote. Movies, TV shows, or products. They’re looking to unload. But The bleeding hearts won’t let you float. So they will yield to those with louder voices. And make edits to what they manufacture or wrote. In an attempt to stroke. People who Believe they have the moral high ground. But won’t come out To support a company that’s about to croak. Even though that company stood for them. Their level of support is a joke. And in the end amounts to mirrors and smoke. That will make them choke. The moment they realize their mistake. But no help will be forthcoming. when fans of their work get uppity. about the changes made to the creative approach. Or the words they spoke. The changes to what they once loved. And they start to lose revenue and mindshare. As well as feel the loss in their throat. Tightening and constricting ever firmer. As they scramble to find a cloak. To cover a marketing mistake. They thought at the time was a master stroke. And then doubling down. Daring to provoke. Saying the failure wasn’t theirs. It belongs to the fans who were always stoked. For the works they would evoke. Accusing their devotees of racism or sexism. And they act as if they have no clue. as to why their fealty broke. Their Content takes a dive in quality. than they spit on those who say what was created is a joke. While the fanbase sulk. Because movie, and tv studios as well as beer, comic, and retail companies went the way of new fucking coke. TRUTH IN ADVERTISING